Kansas Department Of Transportation
Home MenuK-96 Improvements Environmental Assessment
Along with design efforts underway for the K-96 Improvements Project, an Environmental Assessment has been conducted in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The assessment documents potential impacts a transportation project may have on the human and natural environment.
This Environmental Assessment includes:
- Review of existing and future land uses along the corridor
- Identification of potential historical and archaeological sites
- Survey of wetland and habitats along the creeks crossing the study area
- Modeling to determine potential traffic noise impacts
- Other social and natural environment analyses as necessary and appropriate
The findings of these studies are included in the project’s Draft Environmental Assessment.
Comment Period is Closed. As part of the NEPA process, a public comment period was open from March 27 – May 15, 2024, to allow an opportunity for the public to provide feedback on the Draft Environmental Assessment. This feedback is considered when making decisions on how to best plan, design, and construct the project.
Steps of an Environmental Assessment
Define Purpose & Need
- Environmental Assessment has finished this stage
- Define the study area
- Identify what problems or deficiencies need to be addressed
- Community Open House (February 2023)
- Agency Scoping Meeting (March 2023)
Alternatives & Environmental Impacts
- Environmental Assessment has finished this stage
- Refine roadway alignment
- Review interchange and grade separation design options
- Develop cost estimates
- Conduct analyses and field studies
- Modify alternatives to minimize impacts
- Coordinate with agencies to determine if mitigation is needed
Develop EA Document
- Summarize study findings
- Identify preferred alternative
- Publish document for public review and comment
- Convene Public Hearing (April 11, 2024)
- Obtain Federal Highway Administration approval
Finalize EA Document
- Accept public comments from March 27 – May 15, 2024
- Review and implement comments
- Request finding of No Significant Impact and start of right-of-way process