The Highway Construction Training Program is designed to maintain a pool of qualified construction workers and to correct the historical shortage of minorities, women and other disadvantaged individuals in the skilled craft area. To do this, KDOT identifies certain projects with training opportunities for these groups. These projects include a bid item for minimum training hours, as detailed in Special Provision 15-01007-R01.
A trainee on a project can be selected from the contractor’s existing workforce or can be a new hire for the project. The trainee should learn new skills and earn a higher wage after the training program.
- Training Hours: Specifies the total minimum number of training hours, with at least 75% occurring on the project.
- Pre-Construction Requirements: Contractors must submit a work schedule, estimated training hours, a training program, and trainee approval forms before starting work.
- Work History: Trainees should not have previously completed training or worked as journeymen in the trade.
- Subcontracting: Contractors must ensure subcontractors comply with the training requirements.
- Training Program Approval: Programs must meet equal employment opportunity obligations and qualify trainees for journeyman status.
- Trainee Wages: Trainees are paid a percentage of the prevailing wage, which increases throughout the training period.
- Reimbursement: Contractors are reimbursed $2 per hour of training, provided the training meets specified criteria.
- Project Transfers: A revised DOT form 1002 should be submitted to the KDOT Construction Office for the new project and forwarded to the Office of Civil Rights for approval.
Minorities and women who have not previously completed a training program are eligible to be assigned as trainees. Based upon special circumstances other individuals may be approved.
Projects that Require Trainees
The trainee hours requirement is inserted into specific projects if:
- The project received federal funding.
- The estimated dollar amount is a minimum of $8 million.
- The number of days estimated to complete the project is greater than 150 days.
- There will be work for skilled job classes in order to provide training opportunities.
Assigning a Trainee
- The contractor completes a Request for Trainee Approval, Form 1002.
- The contractor needs to have an approved plan to achieve the trainee hours required on the project prior to any contract work occurring on the project.
- The KDOT Construction Office will approve/disapprove the request based upon the availability on the project of the requested work type. The Form 1002 will be forwarded to the Office of Civil Rights.
- The Office of Civil Rights will approve/disapprove the request based upon the eligibility of the individual for the program provided that the requested minority, woman or disadvantaged person has not previously completed a training program and the job classification is an approved training program, etc.
- The Office of Civil Rights notifies the KDOT Construction Office of the determination of approval/disapproval with a copy forwarded to the prime and subcontractors involved.
Contractor Obligations
- Provide trainees with a copy of the training program.
- Issue certifications for completed training.
- Maintain certified payrolls.
- Submit weekly training reports (Form No. 231) that match the certified payrolls for the assigned project to the KDOT construction office.
- Inform trainees about wage stages and notify them upon phase completion.