Kansas Department Of Transportation
Home MenuBehavioral Safety
The Behavioral Safety Section within KDOT Transportation Safety is dedicated to reducing motor vehicle fatalities, injuries and crashes by influencing road user behavior through a combination of education, enforcement and emergency response programs.
Enforcement Initiatives: Collaborate with law enforcement agencies on traffic enforcement efforts. This includes initiatives like training, sobriety checkpoints, officer and citizen education, and increased patrols during high-risk periods. KDOT staffs Law Enforcement Liaisons, a Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor, and a Judicial Outreach Liaison to support local agencies in their traffic enforcement efforts.
Emergency Response Programs: Provide technical training to first responders in Traffic Incident Management (TIM) for a safer crash scene and reduce the potential for secondary crashes. KDOT staffs a First Responder Liaison to engage with first responder organizations to identify needs and coordinate efforts.
Education Programs: Leverages multi-disciplinary resources including campaigns, outreach, and training to educate the public about transportation safety. This includes promoting the use of seat belts, discouraging impaired driving, encouraging driving the speed limit, discouraging distracted driving, wearing personal protective equipment, and following traffic laws. Additionally, safety messaging is focused on all road users including passenger vehicles, non-motorized road users, and motorcyclists. Outreach includes school-focused programs, employer-focused programs, and general traffic-focused programs. Trainings include bicycle safety, motorcycle, and driver education programs. KDOT contracts with DCCCA to manage the Kansas Traffic Safety Resource Office.
- The Kansas Traffic Safety Resource Office provides resources, training and educational programs in the areas of occupant protection, distracted driving, impaired driving, employer outreach, and school outreach.
- Strategic Highway Safety Plan
- Kansas Traffic Safety Resource Office (KTSRO)
- Drive to Zero Messaging Campaigns
- NHTSA Countermeasures That Work