Mileage and Travel Data

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As of December 31, 2023, there were 138,975 miles of roads, streets and highways in Kansas. Average daily travel was 87,264,435 vehicle-miles. This is a decrease in mileage and increase in travel from 2022. In comparison to pre-COVID 2019, this year showed the same amount of travel on the network mileage almost 1% less. Mileage decrease since 2022 includes some highway re-alignments but is mostly due to rounding differences from a change in data precision. County and city road mileage has not been updated.

The Kansas State Highway System (SHS) including City Connecting Links (CCL) totals 10,294 miles and carries average daily travel of 46.7 million vehicle-miles. Travel has surpassed pre-COVID levels, now 2% higher than 2019. The Kansas Turnpike (KTA) is 240 miles long, with 5,602,563 daily vehicle-miles of travel which is 5.6% higher than 2022. Interstate, US, and Kansas routes make up 7.6% of the total Kansas road mileage and carry 60% of total travel.

Under 23 CFR 460 the State must report annually to the federal government about the extent of the roadway network in a Mileage Certification to FHWA. This data is used for apportionment of highway safety funds. Details of road inventory and usage are reported separately in the Highway Performance Monitoring System.

Under Kansas Statutes Annotated Section 79-3425C, portions of the fuel tax money collected by the State are distributed to County and City governments based on net mileage and road usage. The KDOT certifies these values annually in a Transmittal to the State Treasurer. Per the KSA, the networks reported for Travel by County exclude the Interstate system, and Mileage by County includes all roads.

Annual Summaries

Annual Summaries

Mileage and Travel Data Accuracy

Local Roadways
Rural County and City Highways
State Highway System Inventory
Urban Roadways

Mileage and Travel Data Glossary

Route Classification
Functional Classification
State Highway System (SHS)
Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA)
Connecting City Limits (CCL)
National Highway System (NHS)
Daily Vehicle-Miles of Travel (DVMT)


Traffic and Field Operations Unit(785) 296-3841