Kansas Department Of Transportation
Home MenuTitle VI of the Civil Rights Act
KDOT is dedicated to preventing discrimination. Under Title VI, no one can be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance based on race, color, or national origin. This program helps all entities receiving federal funds uphold nondiscriminatory criteria and deliver services to all.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Title VI Coordinators
- FHWA Title VI Implementation Plan
- FHWA Title VI Report
- FTA Title VI Plan
- Title VI Complaint Process
- Title VI Complaint Process (Spanish)
- Informational Brochure
- Informational Brochure (Spanish)
- Everything You Wanted to Know About Title VI Nondiscrimination: A Handbook for Local Governments and Consultants
If you believe you have experienced discrimination, you can file a complaint with KDOT by contacting: