Kansas Department Of Transportation
Home MenuNews Releases
- 08/17/2023
New Kansas Bicycle Map now available
- 08/16/2023
KDOT employees celebrate service anniversaries
- 08/15/2023
KDOT’s Cost Share Program applications being accepted
- 08/10/2023
KDOT requesting comment on draft 2024 STIP
- 08/10/2023
KanDrive web address updated
- 08/09/2023
KDOT stopping work on U.S. 69 Crawford County Corridor western alignment; starting new corridor study later this year
- 08/09/2023
Labor Day warning - Drive sober or get pulled over
- 08/01/2023
KDOT announces approved July bids
- 07/14/2023
Governor Kelly Proclaims Rural Road Safety Awareness Week
- 07/14/2023
KDOT employees celebrate service anniversaries
- 07/13/2023
KDOT announces call for projects for Rail Service Improvement Program
- 07/05/2023 3:04 PM
Safety Corridor Pilot Program focuses on saving lives
- 06/30/2023
KDOT, law enforcement urge drivers to slow down
- 06/29/2023
Governor Kelly Joins Sen. Moran, Rep. Davids to Break Ground on De Soto Road Project Near Panasonic
- 06/29/2023
KDOT announces approved June bids
- 06/26/2023
Drive responsibly this Independence Day: Buzzed driving is drunk driving
- 06/23/2023
KDOT employees celebrate service anniversaries
- 06/22/2023
KDOT requesting comments on STIP amendment
- 06/21/2023
Governor Kelly Appoints Calvin Reed as Secretary of Transportation
- 06/21/2023
KDOT launches Drive To Zero Crash Data Dashboard