District 1 Northeast Kansas News Releases

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K-99 bridge replacement project begins March 22

Post Date:03/18/2021

A bridge replacement project on K-99 over Cedar Creek Drainage is scheduled to begin Monday, March 22, weather permitting. According to the Kansas Department of Transportation, the bridge is located about two miles south of Frankfort in Marshall County.

The first phase will consist of a temporary detour just west of the existing bridge. During this phase, Vista Road will be inaccessible to and from K-99 and the speed limit will be reduced to 50 mph. When the temporary detour route for this phase is being connected into K-99, the highway may be reduced to one lane and controlled by flaggers. Please use caution and be prepared to stop. This phase should be completed by May.

The existing bridge will be replaced in the second phase, at which time traffic will be utilizing the temporary road around it. The speed limit will be reduced to 35 mph. Vista Road will be opened back up. This phase, which includes all highway work associated with the bridge, should be completed in September, weather permitting.

The third phase includes eradication of the temporary detour and final grading. Traffic will be back on K-99, utilizing the new bridge. The speed limit will still be reduced as trucks will be pulling on and off the highway. Traffic will also be reduced to one lane and controlled by flaggers when work is taking place near the highway.

The project is expected to be completed in November. L&M Contractors Inc. of Great Bend is the contractor on the $2 million project.

KDOT urges all motorists to be alert and obey the warning signs when approaching and driving through a highway work zone. To stay aware of all road construction projects across Kansas, go to www.kandrive.org or call 5-1-1.

This information can be made available in alternative accessible formats upon request. For information about obtaining an alternative format, contact the KDOT Office of Public Affairs,  700 SW Harrison St., 2nd Fl West, Topeka, KS 66603-3754 or phone 785-296-3585  (Voice)/Hearing Impaired – 711.

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