Beginning Monday, Jan. 17, the Kansas Department of Transportation will close Osage Road to repair the box bridge on K-82, located approximately 4.5 miles west of Wakefield in Clay County.
Flaggers will direct traffic through the work zone during daylight hours. Osage Road will remain closed on the north side of K-82.
L&M Construction of Great Bend is the prime contractor for this $179,209 project which is scheduled for completion in March, weather permitting.
KDOT urges all motorists to be alert and obey the warning signs when approaching and driving through a highway work zone. To stay aware of all road construction projects across Kansas, go to or call 5-1-1.
This information can be made available in alternative accessible formats upon request. For information about obtaining an alternative format, contact the KDOT Division of Communications, 700 SW Harrison St., 2nd Fl West, Topeka, KS 66603-3754 or phone 785-296-3585 (Voice)/Hearing Impaired – 711.