District 2 North Central Kansas News Releases

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North Central Kansas students help “Put the Brakes on Fatalities”

Post Date:11/14/2022

Six-year-old Magdalena Marsh of Salina, ten-year-old Adriana Guajardo of McPherson, and twelve-year-old Avery Baer of Clifton are the north-central Kansas regional winners in the 2022 Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day poster contest, Magdalena is also a statewide winner.

Each child was the winner of a new bicycle and a helmet donated by the Kansas Turnpike Authority and Safe Kids. Prizes were presented to each student by the Kansas Department of Transportation at their school.

As a statewide winner in our six-year-old category, Magdalena also received a Kindle Fire tablet from KTA, a $50 Amazon gift card from the Fuel True/Independent Energy and Convenience and movie passes from AAA Kansas. In addition, her school, class or booster club will receive $200.

Nearly 500 children across Kansas ages 5 to 13 took the time to think about safety and participated in the poster contest. Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day is a nationwide effort to increase roadway safety and reduce all traffic fatalities.

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